Each Last Responder Member Congregation (and similar organizations) can tap into the following resources:

– A pool of shomrim from across the community who are willing to serve through that congregation and meet its requirements. Each congregation sets its own rules as to who may serve, and each shomer is free to choose which congregation(s) to partner with, as long as they meet the requirements

– An online, interactive system for scheduling and deleting shmirahs. Coordinators can modify the shmirah; shomrim can take/cancel their shifts in real time, without having to contact the shmirah coordinator directly

– An email system for contacting the congregation’s entire list of shomrim as a group

– An SMS (text message) system for messaging shomrim who have agreed to receive text messages


For more information, or to register your congregation/organization as a Member Congregation of Last Responder/Austin Shmirah, contact the Facilitator at gailtosto (at) gmail (dot) com.